# Copyright 2014-2019 Google LLC # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. alphaList: _numeric: '0 to 9' _other: 'Other' a: 'A' b: 'B' c: 'C' d: 'D' e: 'E' f: 'F' g: 'G' h: 'H' i: 'I' j: 'J' k: 'K' l: 'L' m: 'M' n: 'N' o: 'O' p: 'P' q: 'Q' r: 'R' s: 'S' t: 'T' u: 'U' v: 'V' w: 'W' x: 'X' y: 'Y' z: 'Z' brandDefault: 'Home' constructor: prefix: 'new ' # TODO: use built-in date formatter generatedBy: 'Generated by JSDoc {version} on {date}.' headings: augments: 'Extends' authors: | {items, plural, =1 {Author} other {Authors}} childClasses: | {items, plural, =1 {Child class} other {Child classes}} childInterfaces: | {items, plural, =1 {Child interface} other {Child interfaces}} classes: | {items, plural, =1 {Class} other {Classes}} constructors: | {items, plural, =1 {Constructor} other {Constructors}} continued: '{text} (continued)' copyright: 'Copyright' defaultValue: 'Default value' deprecated: 'Deprecated' events: | {items, plural, =1 {Event} other {Events}} examples: | {items, plural, =1 {Example} other {Examples}} exports: 'Exports' externals: | {items, plural, =1 {External} other {Externals}} fires: 'Fires' functions: | {items, plural, =1 {Method} other {Methods}} globals: | {items, plural, =1 {Global} other {Globals}} implementations: 'Implemented by' implements: 'Implements' inheritedFrom: 'Inherited from' interfaces: | {items, plural, =1 {Interface} other {Interfaces}} license: 'License' listeners: | {items, plural, =1 {Listener} other {Listeners}} listens: 'Listens to' mixes: 'Mixes in' mixins: | {items, plural, =1 {Mixin} other {Mixins}} modules: | {items, plural, =1 {Module} other {Modules}} namespaces: | {items, plural, =1 {Namespace} other {Namespaces}} parameters: | {items, plural, =1 {Parameter} other {Parameters}} properties: | {items, plural, =1 {Property} other {Properties}} requires: 'Requires' returns: 'Returns' see: 'See also' since: 'Since' sources: | {items, plural, =1 {Source} other {Sources}} throws: 'Throws' todo: 'To do' tutorials: | {items, plural, =1 {Tutorial} other {Tutorials}} type: 'Type' typedefs: | {items, plural, =1 {Abstract type} other {Abstract types}} version: 'Version' yields: 'Yields' kinds: class: 'class' constant: 'constant' event: 'event' external: 'external' file: 'file' function: 'function' interface: 'interface' member: 'member' mixin: 'mixin' module: 'module' namespace: 'namespace' package: 'package' param: 'param' typedef: 'abstract type' labels: async: 'async' constant: 'constant' generator: 'generator' inner: 'inner' package: 'package' private: 'private' protected: 'protected' public: 'public' readonly: 'read-only' static: 'static' virtual: 'abstract' linkToLine: | {items, plural, =1 {{filepath}} other {{filepath}:{lineno}}} pageTitle: '{prefix}{category}: {title}' pageTitleNoCategory: '{prefix}{title}' pageTitlePrefix: '{name} {version} » ' params: all: '({params})' joiner: | {items, plural, =0 {{param}} other {, {param}}} optional: '[{param}]' repeatable: '...{param}' returnTypesSeparator: ' → ' source: 'Source:' tables: body: defaultValue: 'Defaults to {valueString}.' defaultValueString: '{value}' eachValueHasProperties: 'Values in {name} have the following properties:' isOptional: 'Yes' isRequired: ' ' nonNullable: long: 'Value must not be null.' short: 'non-null' nullable: long: 'Value can be null.' short: 'nullable' repeatable: long: 'Value can be repeated.' short: 'repeatable' unknownType: '?' emptyCellPlaceholder: ' ' header: description: 'Description' name: 'Name' optional: 'Optional' type: 'Type' notApplicable: '—'